Book Keeping

  1. Is your Book-Keeping spend too high?
  2. Are you unsure if all transactions are being accounted accurately?
  3. Are you unaware if all statutory requirements are being complied with?
  4. Do you feel that you can get better MIS Reports for decision making?
  5. Do you think that your finance and accounting system should support your fund management?


Customisable Solutions

Cost-effective Services

Process Driven Approach

SOP Based Accounting

Experts for Statutory Compliance

Usage of Automation Tools

Visualised MIS Reports

Sounding Board for Decision-Making

Our Deliverables Include

Ensure on-time accounting of all transactions

Ensure compliance with domestic & global statutory requirements

Prepare Weekly/Monthly Bank Reconciliation Statement as per requirement

Provide Weekly/Monthly Cash Flow Statement as per requirement

Provide Monthly P&L Statement

Provide Weekly/Monthly Receivables Due as per requirement

Provide Weekly/Monthly Payables Due as per requirement

Provide Monthly Budget vs Actuals Variance Analysis Report

Provide MoM, QoQ and YoY P&L Analysis Report

Provide other MIS Reports as per requirement

At Biznomics, we believe in forging long-term relationships with our clients, built on a foundation of trust, integrity, and excellence.

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